Let's Create a Ripple of Wellbeing and Goodness!
It seems every day my heart breaks anew with with concern for our planet, our sisters and brothers here and around the world, and all of the challenges we face...
Hi! My name is Jen, Owner and Chief Joy Spreader here at Joyful Wellness. There's no need to be able to turn yourself into a pretzel or stand on your head to enjoy a regular yoga practice. I offer a signature style of gentle, fun, and impactful yoga from the heart to help alleviate stress, anxiety and pain, while increasing peace, flexibility and wellbeing. Yoga from the heart offers soul nourishment and inspiration for living an engaged, joyful life!
Personalized support, accountability, and clarity from a certified, experienced coach who has been there can make all the difference!
• Life Coaching
• Slow, Mindful & Happy
My signature program offering customized one-on-one support to transform your relationship with food, weight and wellbeing!
• Mentoring for Yoga Teachers
• Private Yoga Sessions
It's our goal to help you live an engaged life of healing, wellbeing and joy, no matter what challenges you face! We know that feeling your best is not just physical, but mental and emotional, so we offer a variety of wellness solutions to help you reach your goals. Our yoga classes are for students of all ages and ability levels, and our classes take place live with Zoom!
Our yoga classes are fun, welcoming, kind, safe, and will leave you feeling good. And your first class is always free!
Science-based, natural products including skin care, and health and wellness supplements for optimal health and happiness!
Reiki healing sessions promote deep relaxation, healing, and stress reduction. Book a 30 or 60 minute session today.
Offer an impactful and enjoyable benefit your employees will truly appreciate or bring fun, joy and relaxation to your special event.
Deeply Rest, Heal + Rejuvenate! Yoga Nidra offers an opportunity to lie down, relax, and be guided into sweet rest, peace, and optimal healing and rejuvenation. 3 Fridays: Jan 24, 31 and Feb 7 from 8-9 pm est/5-6pm pst via Zoom.
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